The Animator Component binds Unity's animation system to a game object. In this video you will learn what this component does and how you can use it to start animating objects.

Animator Controllers are state machines that determine which animations are currently being played and blends between animations seamlessly. In this video you will learn how to make animator controllers and apply different animations and states to it.

Animator Controller Layers allow animators to run multiple animations at the same time. These can be useful for simplifying your animation structure while adding more power. In this video you will learn how to create and use animator controller layers.

Scripting is what allows us to really bring a model's animations to life. In this video you will learn how to utilize the animator class in code to control awesome animations.

Blend Trees allow you to mix a combination of multiple animations together to get custom results. In this video you will learn about blends trees and how to create them in your games.